Can Thyroid Disorders Be Managed By Lifestyle Changes?

Last updated on September 2nd, 2024 at 05:28 pm

Thyroid disorders are prevalent across the world. They make up a significant portion of all endocrine conditions. Research says thyroid diseases affect nearly 42 million people in India. The common causes of thyroid-related health conditions are – lifestyle, diet, eating habits, stress, iodine deficiency, autoimmune diseases, etc.

Studies suggest that making lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy body weight, exercising, eating right, and sleeping well, play a crucial role in thyroid management. Although thyroid disorders are often lifelong, you can manage them by modifying your diet and lifestyle alongside medication.

Read on to learn about the changes you can incorporate into your daily routine to keep thyroid issues at bay. However, before moving on, let us get to know more about the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland and its function

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the base of your neck. It constitutes a significant part of your endocrine system and produces three vital hormones T3, T4, and calcitonin. These hormones regulate your metabolism and other bodily functions.

When this gland secretes too little or too high amounts of these hormones and develops inflammation or outgrowths, it may indicate thyroid disorders.

The thyroid gland and its function

List of Thyroid disorders

Some of the most common thyroid-related conditions include the following:

  1. Hypothyroidism: The thyroid gland produces less than normal amounts of hormones
  2. Hyperthyroidism: The thyroid gland releases excess amounts of hormones
  3. Thyroid tumours: Non-cancerous outgrowths on the thyroid gland
  4. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: An autoimmune condition that damages the thyroid gland leading to hypothyroidism and goitre (enlarged thyroid gland).

Lifestyle changes to incorporate For Proper Management of thyroid disorders

Lifestyle changes to manage thyroid disorders

1. Tame your stress levels.

Your thyroid works as a team with your adrenal gland (located on the top of your kidneys). When you are stressed, the adrenal gland releases cortisol, a stress hormone. When cortisol level goes up in your blood, it is likely to interfere with thyroid hormone secretion. Thus, to keep thyroid disorders at bay, it is crucial to manage your stress and anxiety levels. Including activities like yoga, meditation, and morning or evening walks can help.

2. Too much sugar can be bitter on your thyroid gland.

Excessive sugar intake may cause inflammation in your body, which eventually affects the conversion of T4 to T3. To kick-start your metabolism, your body needs to convert T4, the inactive hormone, to T3, the active one. When you have inflammation, the conversion of T4 to T3 slows down. This worsens the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism. Therefore, cut down on your sugar intake to ensure a healthy thyroid gland.

3. A healthy and iodine-rich diet can help maintain your thyroid gland function

Your thyroid function largely relies on iodine. If your diet does not contain adequate iodine, you may develop hypothyroidism or goitre. Therefore, you need to include iodine-rich foods in your diet. These include dairy products, seaweed, shrimp, tuna, etc. However, if you suffer from hyperthyroidism, you may be prescribed a low-iodine diet. To help you maintain a healthy weight, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. If you suffer from hypothyroidism, avoid soy-based foods; vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli; and frozen and processed food.

4. Physical fitness is the way to good health

Physical fitness is an important aspect of maintaining your health. So, whether you have a thyroid disorder or not, regular exercise can be beneficial. It helps improve your muscle mass, strength, cardiovascular health, and mood. When it comes to managing symptoms of a thyroid-related condition, cardio exercises are the safest bet. However, make sure to consult your doctor before starting any particular workout regime.

To sum up

If you have been diagnosed with thyroid disease, which is a chronic condition, do not worry. You can control your symptoms and lead a healthy and happy life with proper medication and lifestyle changes. Follow a healthy diet, exercise in moderation but regularly, and manage your stress levels with yoga and meditation. Consult your doctor routinely and take your prescribed medicines at the same time each day.

To order your thyroid medications online, visit Medkart, India’s leading and most trusted online pharmacy that sells generic medicines at competitive prices. Visit their website to Know more about my Medicines and place your orders on the Medkart App.

Frequently Asked Questions related Thyroid disorders

1. What foods to steer away from if you have a thyroid disorder?

If you suffer from hypothyroidism, to manage the health of your thyroid gland, you need to avoid certain food products. These include the following:

  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Soy-based foods
  • Frozen meats
  • Processed foods

If you suffer from hyperthyroidism you may have to follow a low-iodine diet and avoid foods like:

  • cheese
  • milk
  • eggs
  • iodized salt
  • saltwater fish

2. Is drinking alcohol advisable if you have a thyroid disorder?

Excessive alcohol intake can affect your thyroid function to a great extent. Therefore, it is wise to avoid it and drink occasionally in moderation if you have to.

3. Which gland produces the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)?

Your pituitary gland produces the TSH. As the name suggests, it stimulates your thyroid gland to secrete T4 and T3 hormones.

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