Why is obesity considered as a lifestyle chronic disease ? |Chronic Disease

Obesity – Lifestyle Chronic Disease 

Obesity is a complex condition that affects millions of people worldwide. This condition is caused by a combination of factors related to genetics, metabolism and the environment, and can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. But, by understanding what makes obesity a disease, you can take control of your health and work towards a healthier future.

What Is Obesity and Why Is It Considered a Disease?

Obesity is defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that may impair health. Doctors use the Body Mass Index (BMI) to calculate body fat based on the height and weight of a person. If you have a BMI of 30 or higher, you are considered obese. Obesity is considered a disease due to the following reasons:

What Is Obesity and Why Is It Considered a Disease?

Reasons why Obesity is considered a disease

  1. Health problems: Obesity is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer.
  2. Mental health impact: Studies have shown that people who are obese are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.
  3. Complex condition: Obesity is not only simply a result of overeating or a lack of physical activity. It is also influenced by a number of factors such as genetics, metabolism and the environment.

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Causes of Obesity (Lifestyle Condition)

Some of the factors that lead to obesity include the following:

  1. Genetics: Evidence shows that obesity can have genetic roots.
  2. Metabolism issues: Some people may have a slower metabolism, which can make it difficult for them to burn calories effectively.
  3. Unhealthy eating habits: Consuming an excessive amount of high-calorie foods and drinks can lead to weight gain.
  4. Lack of physical activity: Leading a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of obesity.
  5. Environmental factors: The environment can play a role in the development of obesity. For example, the availability of unhealthy food options and the lack of time or place to exercise can contribute to weight gain.
  6. Medications: Certain medications can lead to weight gain, such as some antidepressants and steroid medications.
  7. Medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, can slow metabolism and lead to weight gain.

Symptoms of Obesity

  1. Excess body fat: The most obvious symptom of obesity is the accumulation of excess body fat, especially around the waist and upper body.
  2. Weight gain: A noticeable increase in body weight over time is a symptom of obesity.
  3. Shortness of breath: Excess body fat can make it difficult to breathe, causing shortness of breath.
  4. Fatigue: Obesity can cause a lack of energy and difficulty in staying active, resulting in fatigue.
  5. Joint pain: Excess body weight can put pressure on the joints, causing pain and discomfort.
  6. Type 2 diabetes: Obesity is a major risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes.
  7. High blood pressure: Obesity can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease and stroke.

How to Control Obesity?

Some of the lifestyle changes to control obesity are listed below:

1. Healthy eating: 

Making changes to your diet is crucial in controlling obesity. Focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods and reducing your intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods.

2. Increased physical activity: 

Regular exercise is an essential component of weight management. You should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking, 5 days a week.

3. Sleep: 

Getting enough sleep is important for maintaining a healthy weight. You should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.

4. Stress management: 

High levels of stress can lead to overeating and weight gain. You can try practising stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation or deep breathing.

Although obesity is considered a disease because of its associated health problems requiring medical attention, it can be managed significantly with diet and weight loss, among other lifestyle changes. With more therapeutic options available now, obesity and its related conditions are easily manageable.

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1. Why are people tentative about calling Obesity a disease?

In general, obesity is considered a disease as it results in a condition that may add emphasis towards treatment with surgery or medications. However, obesity can be prevented by lifestyle changes, diet and exercise.

2. What is morbid obesity?

People with a BMI above 40 are considered to have morbid obesity. If someone’s BMI lies between 35 and 39.9, they may have a severe health condition and are considered morbidly obese.

3. What are the common causes of childhood obesity?

Lifestyle factors such as consuming too many calories from food and insufficient physical exercise are the main causes of childhood obesity. 

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